Friday, November 5, 2010

Up for a midnight snack

Last night Brooke was very restless. She ate normal for her yesterday and nothing was bothering her- so it seemed. She did not go to sleep until after 9pm, which is late for her- she was happy but late. She woke up at 11 and was fussy but went back to sleep. At 12:11 she woke up and I let her fuss for a few minutes but it was a blood cutaling scream. Got up- Got her up- Changed her bum and made a bottle. She refused to drink it. She was so mad!!!! Arching her back and tossing herself back. I tried tyelonal, ice toys for her teeth, medicine for her bumm, took her temp. I thought I had tried everything. After 45 mins of endless crying-I was about ready to wake the kids up and take her to the ER. I thought I would try one more thing and put into her high chair- by now it is after 1 am. She ate about 1 full cup of rice cereal and a container of fruit. When she was done she smiled at me and rubbed her eyes. I laid her down and she was out the rest of the night.
WHAT 5 MONTH old wakes up in the middle of the night to eat rice cereal and no bottle.


1 comment:

Colby said...

Oh man, that's funny (except note for you in the middle of the night). Sorry, Jody. Good thing mom will be there today so you can get a good sleep tonight!