Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Our Christmas gift

Ryan and I had a realization and a eye opener the other day that we are truly very lucky and fortunate to have three healthy beautiful children. We were out to eat the other night and there was a family with three kids and the oldest had some mental disorders and although we would love our children the same it is such a relief to have healthy kids. Now to deal with Kaitlyn sinus and ear infection. If there is one thing I have learned is that there is always one kid that is sick or needs special attention when you have three and that there is hardly ever time for peace on your mind. While driving to the ski resort the other day all three kids fell asleep in the truck and it was a wonderful sound of nothing-we have now titled that the trifecta of silence!

1 comment:

Beka said...

you do have beautiful, healthy, good kids! thanks for the Christmas pics you sent - they turned out so great! all three smiling!