Wednesday, June 23, 2010


We under a heat advisory today- Crazy for her because it is aways hot- but this is really hot- Todays record is 100- it has been a record for 77 years. We are set to break it today. CRAZY- Good thing we have a pool and AC to take the edge off. Anybody that knows anything about AC know that a unit can only cool about 20 degrees cooler than it is outside. Lets hope it doesn't stay over 100 for to long- funny though when the house gets to around 75 inside it still feels cool com paired to outside. The kids are outside looking for Sadies dog tags in the yard it is 815 and I have already applied the first coat of sunscreen and there faces are bring red-


Beka said...

what is funny to me is that the units over there have a hard time cooling...growing up we had mostly 90+ days in the summer and it was always as cool as we wanted it in the house. maybe it's because of the humidity?

Anardi Family said...

It is because the night temps never get much below 80 plus the humidity- I guess- Who knows but it is hot!