Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Packers fan

Ryan was so excited when caleb got a packers shirt- We ordered one for kaitlyn and caleb. I need to find something for Brooke now- They were these shirts every sunday. Kaitlyn isnt as excited as the boys but she is a good sport.

First lost tooth

Kaitlyn lost her first tooth on Thanksgiving. Apparently it is letter "p". The tooth was really loose and then The kids and ryan were outside playing basketball and well you know what happened next. The ball hit her face and there was blood- she freaked out and she was not wanting that tooth to come out but she pushed it with her tongue and out it came. The tooth fairy came and brought her two gold dollar coins and 2 fifty cent pieces. She was so excited!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Santa visit at Bass Pro shop

We took the kids for a trial run to visit Santa at Bass pro shop the other night- I cant believe it we will have one year with all three kids smiling!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving From Kaitlyn

Kaitlyn made this three page book for us last night. Have a very Happy Thanksgiving.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

pow wow

I Took kaitlyn to the Chickhomony pow wow last weekend. What a great experience!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Southern living

Stacey got me the 1001 Southern Living recipe cookbook for my birthday- which I have to say is a wonderful memory! ryan has made three things from it- Jambalya, skillet corn bread and sweet tea. I have made ham and bean soup- We plan to write a review by each recipe and try to make most of the recipes. It was a really fun and creative birthday idea! Thank you Stacey, Pete and Claire! You will hold a very special place in our hearts my southern friends. I am getting a little teary eyed typing this-

Thursday, November 18, 2010


This is Hilarius.

Brooke and Merlin

Again we are amazed with the patients of merlin. Last night Brooke got his tail put it in her mouth and he didn't even move.

Indian hat

Caleb made this hat yesterday at school and he has been wearing it non stop- He is a funny kid- if I told him he had to wear it he would refuse.

Happy birthday to me

I had a great birthday! Thank you to my husband, kids and neighbors for celebrating with me.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Turkey hunt

Kaitlyn comes home from school the other day and out of the blue tells us that she would like to shoot a turkey for thanksgiving. I have no idea where she got that idea???? She has decided that she would like to go hunting for a turkey shoot a turkey and have Ryan pluck the feathers- she doesn't want to do that. WHAT in the WORLD. Then Ryan and I were going to go for a bike ride this weekend and she said keep my eye of for a turkey. She is really serious about this. I just bought a turkey at Kroger for $4. Apperently at the local eagles they have a shoot on friday night- looks like we might be checking that out.

sister love

Look at the two girls. They truly love each other. Brooke cant wait for kaitlyn to get home and get off the school bus. She smiles from ear to ear.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Our life

Look at our kids- I cant imagine how peaceful and quite it would be with out the three of them in our lives. We are so lucky- Or at least that is what I keep trying to tell myself!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Respect award

My sweet kaitlyn earned the Respect award at school. She is turning out to be such a great kido!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Grandma lynda comes to visit

Wow what a busy few days we had- Lots of shopping, girl scouts, soccer, playing outside, kaitlyn school trip, birthday dinner. we were busy every second. We had such a good time. We are so lucky she likes to fly now!

2nd season of soccer is over

Kaitlyn has a second season of soccer completed! She really has improved and really enjoys it!

Bath time at 5 1/2 months

She sits up on her own now and it is so much easier to give her a bath! She loves to play in the water- Good thing because Kaitlyn and Caleb love the water- I would really like to have a pool someday so she better get use to the water as well!


We went out to the most wonderful dinner the other night to celebrate ryan passing his boards! Our neighbors and good friends Stacey and Pete went with us. Bonefish grill- was wonderful and I highly recommend it! Thanks to Lynda for watching the kids for us- it was nice to get out.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Up for a midnight snack

Last night Brooke was very restless. She ate normal for her yesterday and nothing was bothering her- so it seemed. She did not go to sleep until after 9pm, which is late for her- she was happy but late. She woke up at 11 and was fussy but went back to sleep. At 12:11 she woke up and I let her fuss for a few minutes but it was a blood cutaling scream. Got up- Got her up- Changed her bum and made a bottle. She refused to drink it. She was so mad!!!! Arching her back and tossing herself back. I tried tyelonal, ice toys for her teeth, medicine for her bumm, took her temp. I thought I had tried everything. After 45 mins of endless crying-I was about ready to wake the kids up and take her to the ER. I thought I would try one more thing and put into her high chair- by now it is after 1 am. She ate about 1 full cup of rice cereal and a container of fruit. When she was done she smiled at me and rubbed her eyes. I laid her down and she was out the rest of the night.
WHAT 5 MONTH old wakes up in the middle of the night to eat rice cereal and no bottle.


Thursday, November 4, 2010

Late triathalon photos

I just had to share this photo- I just finished the swim. Yeah for us. It is hard to believe it is was a month ago. Look at the kids arent they cute!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Brooke big girl cup

She is growing up way to fast. She only drank 12 oz from her bottle today and the rest of her water/ juice from her sippy cup. She truly amazes me the advance things she is doing at 5 months. She is a little piece of heaven.


The kids have daily chores that they do. Once they have completed a chore they earn a sticker once kaitlyn gets 10 stickers and caleb gets 8 stickers they earn a prize from the prize bucket. They have done really well and actually do a great job.

National Boards

I wanted to make a post to announce that Ryan has pass Both sections of his National Dental School boards! Congrats babe! He has worked so hard and we are all so proud of him. The Kids and I are so excited that there will be no more dental deck cards attached to him everywhere we go. We have less than 200 days until graduation and the days that he will be a doctor of dentistry! YEAH!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Wicked 10K run

My girlfriends and I ran in the 10 k race in virgina beach this past weekend. It was a costume race. We had a great time and I did really well in the race. I ran 6.2 miles in 1 hr 53 sec. a 9:50 pace. Best time yet in a run- I would like to get it under at 9:30 pace- there is always room for improvement.

Halloween sugar cookie time

I think my kids think it is a normal thing to get flour everywhere and eat cookie dough- Which we all know we are no t suppose to do. We made lots of sugar cookies and gave them away to friends and neighbors. Fun times with my three kids.